3 Steps To Take Before Buying Your First Motorcycle - Jona Shares

3 Steps To Take Before Buying Your First Motorcycle

3 Steps To Take Before Buying Your First Motorcycle

Shopping for a motorcycle can be exciting, and actually purchasing one can be even more so. However, if you purchase a motorcycle without giving thought to what you’re going to do with it once you get it home, riding is out of the question. Before you head to the dealership, there are a few steps you need to take to prepare:

1.    Ask Yourself, “Why?”

So, you know you want a bike, but do you know WHY you want a bike? Is it because you want to look cool, save on fuel, have a way to let loose on the weekends or something else? It’s important to determine your reason for wanting a motorcycle before you buy one, as your reason will determine what type of bike you get. For instance, if you want a weekend cruiser, a bark-o-lounger may be more your speed. However, if you want to go fast and get dirty, a dual sport might be better for you.

3 Steps To Take Before Buying Your First Motorcycle

2.    Know Your Budget

Just as if you were shopping for a car or a home, you should not enter the motorcycle buying process without knowing how much you want to spend or, more importantly, how much you can spend. Don’t surprise your spouse selling the family vehicle just so you can buy your new chopper. Be reasonable and allot an amount of money to your new hobby. When budgeting, budget for the gear and motorcycle apparel as well, because that will contribute to your overall costs.

3 Steps To Take Before Buying Your First Motorcycle

3.     Take a Course

Don’t just assume that you know how to ride a bike or even that you’d like it. Take a course with the DMV before you pull the trigger, as you may discover one of two things: 1) that you’re not qualified to ride or 2) that you don’t like it. Hopefully neither is the case, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

3 Steps To Take Before Buying Your First Motorcycle

Once you do decide to pull the trigger and put money down on a new bike, head over to BikeBandit.com to get the gear you need. Get an Alpinestars riding jacket, AGV dome and Joe Rocket jacket to start your collection.

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